I got this info from another blog, I have been searching for something like this for years off and on. Its awesome to have the info now! Sometimes, a computer may report that a connected USB device is unknown if the required device drivers are not installed for the USB device. To identify the USB […]
Category: KBB
Windows PDC Time
I cannot begin to tell you how this has hounded me through my career, but I am happy to make this post, that I think has 99% of the answers. #1 thing that has caused me issues, not my trouble shooting order or the GPO settings. The GPO on the PDC MUST be removed, all […]
Deny a GPO to Users or Groups
I have looked for this for a LONG time, and I was happy to run across this great post. I will not steal, so you can find it below, where he does an excellent job describing it. But in case something happens to it, the jist is to use delegation to set a ‘deny GPO’ […]
Add Windows Media Stuff to N Version Windows 10
I love the N version, nice and clean and smooth. but sometimes you need to add some of the parts back. With this patch, you can; KB3133719 I got the following table from here, that tells you what is in it; The media-related features that are not provided in N editions of Windows 10 include, […]
Winlogon.log Missing
I stumbled across this while trouble shooting a problem with GPO’s in Windows Server 2016. My GPO’s we stopping half way through applying because there was a n error. There was an error in the RSOP, with a surprising amount of detail on how to correct it, only that all the documentation was wrong […]
Visio 2016 Install with Office 365
When trying to install with an MSI the Visio package with an already existing ‘Click-to-run’ install of Office 365, you will often get the error of: We found a problem!We’re sorry, Microsoft Office installer encountered a problem because you have these Click-to-Run installer based Office programs installed on your computer:Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus – en-usWindows […]
Exchange Powershell Context
I had a frustrating problem, where powershell was not returning the correct results that I was expecting, it was missing a 95% of the data from a simple get-mailbox command. It turns out, that running exchange powershell commands from the “Exchange Management Shell” sets the environment to the local server, even if you use the […]
Cisco Phone Firmware upgrade CUCM
Recently we had an issue with Platonics headsets working fine, then disconnecting after a short time. After extensive trouble shooting, we found that firmware was the culprit. Here is what I did to update the firmware for individual or single phones; First get the firmware you need, in my case I had to have Cisco […]
ForcePoint Basics
This is a stupid simple one. Working within ForcePoint URL web filter, I could not find out how to add an exception. This will not go into that so much as the trick to get to it. That trick is the “Super Administrator” account. It was not obvious to me that this switch was needed, […]
Show all Domain Computers that are Online
Quickie one liner; get-adcomputer -filter * | Where { Test-Connection $_.name -count 1 -quiet } | Select @{Name=”Computername”;Expression={$_.Name}} Reference : https://www.petri.com/test-network-connectivity-powershell-test-connection-cmdlet