Find Sophos Peripheral User

On Sophos, you can see in the base policy were there are a number of devices listed.  But how can you track down a specific one?  Follow these instructions (Source is Sophos support); “Peripheral base policy” >> Settings >> Add Exemptions >> then filer by the device type  

ActiveID CMS HID New OU and Addition Errors

In order to create a new OU for ActivID CMS HIDS Smart Card software to look for new user accounts, you need to take several steps. Validate the current domain and CA connectivity; Create the User Group Create the Assignment and Device Policy (the device policy is where the certificate template settings from your CA […]

Share and NTFS permissions for Logon Script

The FAST: Scripts running at logon that write to a network share user the user account logging in and the NTFS permissions require READ and WRITE. So I looked everywhere for this one, I thought it would be a regular problem, but it is not apparently, and if it is it is not documented well.  […]

PowerShell List all Enabled Accounts that have an Expired Password

Took longer then expected to work this out, here it is Get-ADUser -filter * -properties * | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq $true} |where-object {$_.Passw ordExpired -eq $true} |select name,passwordexpired,mail You can see where there are 2 properties being checked, and I think is should be easy to add a third.  wonder if there is a cleaner […]

Unable to write to USB drive (Carbon Black)

ISSUE: When trying to write to a USB device, there is a windows permissions popup (infinite cycle) for admin rights and still get an access denied. It turns out that Antivirus (white list-er) is the culprit.  In my case, Carbon Black.  Even with the AV disabled, it was still blocking the USB.  This is because […]

Cisco Port Security

It is becoming more common that the switch has port security turned on.  This means only one MAC can plug into any single port.  It is not a big deal to reset it, but for some reason I could not find a direct answer.  Here is mine; Reset sticky bit Examples; show port-security sh interface […]

Add TEAMS Toll-Free Number

The simple You have to add minutes from the add-on section called “Communication Credits” and then a new check box will appear under licenses for the user, check it. Then you have to go into the TEAMS management console add the new Toll-Free number This Number can’t be default Now assign it to the conference […]

Remove Password protection from Microsoft Excel sheet

How to Remove an Excel Spreadsheet Password in 6 Easy Steps rename to .zip open xl\worksheets find and delete the sheetprotection hash, everything in <> It will look something like: <sheetProtection algorithmName=”SHA-512″ hashValue=”x9RyFM+j9H4J3IFFhsHo3q1kQkuLydpJlLh2mdvfvk15He/Yps8xizWt/XkAJ//g+TyqgcU+8o1QBjQvKDqIzg==” saltValue=”57YXDPnVjawU5s1nGyT8fQ==” spinCount=”100000″ sheet=”1″ objects=”1″ scenarios=”1″/>