I have found lots of fancy ways, but here is my one(two) liner (get-service -ComputerName server01 -Name wuauserv).stop (get-service -ComputerName server01 -Name wuauserv).start
Force Delete a File
WARNING!!! THIS WILL FORCE DELETE FILES, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! This one has hounded me many times, and I thought I already did a KB for this, but apparently not, so here goes; First make sure everyone is off, I use the MS file sharing MSC, “Share and Storage Management”. On the […]
SharePoint Online Time Out
Just a quick on this. a great link is here; https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-SharePoint-Blog/Idle-Session-Timeout-Policy-in-SharePoint-Online-amp-OneDrive-is/ba-p/211274 PS C:\Windows\system32> Connect-SPOService -Url https://<tenent>-admin.sharepoint.com PS C:\Windows\system32> get-SPOBrowserIdleSignOut Enabled WarnAfter SignOutAfter ——- ——— ———— True 00:05:00 00:30:00 PS C:\Windows\system32> Set-SPOBrowserIdleSignOut -Enabled $true -WarnAfter (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 2700) -SignOutAfter ( New-TimeSpan -Seconds 3600)
Password Complexity Doesn’t Matter
This is the third time I have heard this, and it seems to be gaining tracktion. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Azure-Active-Directory-Identity/Your-Pa-word-doesn-t-matter/ba-p/731984
Add Images to Word from Command (Powershell)
Really all the credit has to go to u/Pandapokeman on reddit. All I did was add a single line that added the file name to the bottom of the picture. https://www.reddit.com/user/Pandapokeman/ Here is his script (be sure to use the full file path in the command) Function Add-OSCPicture { <# .SYNOPSIS Add-OSCPicture is an advanced […]
SA Password Reset
There are a bunch of blogs out there that show how to do it, but I always seem to have problems. Anyway, here is my last attempt, and what I did to fix it (It is also case sensative)(DO NOT copy paste, type these out manually); Below is older way, newer way is here, […]
O365 Network Connection Error
Solution 2 – May be faster, but I have had success with this only rarely, but it does sometimes work. Just run the following commands. They MAY need admin rights; netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew arp -d * nbtstat -R | find /i “failed” 1>&2 nbtstat -RR | find […]
Control Panel Command Line CMD.exe
A quick look at commands to get things done faster; Network Adapters ncpa.cpl Firewall firewall.cpl Updates wuaucpl.cpl System Info msinfo.exe Computer Manager Compmgmt.msc Startup and control tabs msconfig My references https://www.maketecheasier.com/20-run-commands-windows/ https://www.lifewire.com/command-line-commands-for-control-panel-applets-2626060 Control Panel Command Line Commands in Windows CMD Commands for Control Panel Applets Applet Command OS Version Accessibility Options control access.cpl XP […]
Determine\Identify\Find USB Devices that are Unrecognized
I got this info from another blog, I have been searching for something like this for years off and on. Its awesome to have the info now! Sometimes, a computer may report that a connected USB device is unknown if the required device drivers are not installed for the USB device. To identify the USB […]
Visio 2016 Enlarge/Change Text Box
You would think this would be easy, but nope. So first select the ‘Text‘ selecting tool and select your shape; Now hit escape, an you should now see the 4 dots to resize your text box;