Really all the credit has to go to u/Pandapokeman on reddit.  All I did was add a single line that added the file name to the bottom of the picture.

Here is his script (be sure to use the full file path in the command)

Function Add-OSCPicture
Add-OSCPicture is an advanced function which can be used to insert many pictures into a word document.
Add-OSCPicture is an advanced function which can be used to insert many pictures into a word document.
Specifies the path of slide.
C:\PS> Add-OSCPicture -WordDocumentPath D:\Word\Document.docx -ImageFolderPath "C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures"
Action(Insert) ImageName
-------------- ---------
Finished Chrysanthemum.jpg
Finished Desert.jpg
Finished Hydrangeas.jpg
Finished Jellyfish.jpg
Finished Koala.jpg
Finished Lighthouse.jpg
Finished Penguins.jpg
Finished Tulips.jpg

This command shows how to insert many pictures to word document.

If(Test-Path -Path $WordDocumentPath)
If(Test-Path -Path $ImageFolderPath)
$WordExtension = (Get-Item -Path $WordDocumentPath).Extension
If($WordExtension -like ".doc" -or $WordExtension -like ".docx")
$ImageFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ImageFolderPath -Recurse -Include *.emf,*.wmf,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.jfif,*.png,*.jpe,*.bmp,*.dib,*.rle,*.gif,*.emz,*.wmz,*.pcz,*.tif,*.tiff,*.eps,*.pct,*.pict,*.wpg

#Create the Word application object
$WordAPP = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$WordDoc = $WordAPP.Documents.Open("$WordDocumentPath")

Foreach($ImageFile in $ImageFiles)
$ImageFilePath = $ImageFile.FullName

$Properties = @{'ImageName' = $ImageFile.Name
'Action(Insert)' = Try
$WordApp.Selection.InsertNewPage() #insert new page to word

$objWord = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties

$WordAPP.Quit()#release the object
Remove-Variable WordAPP
Write-Warning "There is no image in this '$ImageFolderPath' folder."
Write-Warning "There is no word document file in this '$WordDocumentPath' folder."
Write-Warning "Cannot find path '$ImageFolderPath' because it does not exist."
Write-Warning "Cannot find path '$WordDocumentPath' because it does not exist."

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